Internet Service Offerings
American Data & Voice provides a complete portfolio of Internet access technologies to meet your businesses Internet access needs. With competitive prices and fast installation, our scaleable services include integrated voice & internet T1s, Dedicated Internet T1s, NxT1 (bonded T1s), DS3 through 1Gbps on a reliable nationwide backbone.
Learn more about the variety of Internet service options American Data & Voice offers:
Integrated Internet and Voice Integrated local voice and data service combines voice and high-speed Internet over a single T1 circuit for a fully integrated, complete business solution. This solution could have as few as six phone lines with the remaining bandwidth available for Internet access. This solution is ideal for data intensive small businesses that need some phone service.
DIA (Dedicated Internet Access) T1 Dedicated full Internet T1s carry data at speeds of 1.544Mbps symmetrically, and is the most commonly used last mile technology. This access method is ideal for businesses that need reliable, high-speed access to the Internet at an affordable cost.
Bonded Internet T1 (NxT1) Bonded Internet NxT1 serves as an affordable option for customers who need more than 1.5Mbps of bandwidth, but less than 45Mbps. By bonding T1 circuits together, customers get the benefit of a tiered DS3, without the expense of DS3 loops. This product serves as a reliable solution for growing companies or companies looking to broaden their data capability at a sensible cost.
DS3 DS3 service is a bonding of 28 T1s together, giving businesses extremely fast (45Mbps) access to the Internet. For some businesses their applications have grown to be large files and more bandwidth is necessary to transfer data in order to ensure employee’s time is as productive as possible.
Fast Ethernet or Metro Ethernet Due to the increasing need for more bandwidth, many businesses have turned to a newer technology called Ethernet for their access to the Internet. Years of LEC/CLEC network build outs left many miles of dark fiber available for transport, especially in major metropolitan areas. Flexible, scaleable and fairly inexpensive, this service is available from 5Mbps to 1Gbps through various carriers. Recent industry protocol standardization is making Ethernet the technology of choice for the future.